So, you’ve decided to tackle your first website design project. Now where do you begin? We’ll give you our most valuable tips on just how to get started:

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Silly)

Whether you’re extravagant or a minimalist, it’s best to keep your first website project simple. When creating and designing a website, your task list can get rather daunting. Minimize your stress and stay within your comfort level. As a beginner, creating a landing page or a personal blog is a great place to start. As you grow more confident in your abilities to navigate website design, test the waters with a multi-page website or eCommerce site.

Get Your Creative Website Design Juices Flowing

There’s no place like Pinterest to get your creative juices flowing. If you have a specific design in mind or need a little inspiration, Pinterest is the place to go. Pinterest allows you to essentially create a mood board and layout all of your thoughts and ideas in one place. A mood board is your space to visualize and create the website of your dreams. So, go crazy and Pin away! Beyond Pinterest, simply Googling website design templates can open up a variety of resources. If you hit a creative block, outsourcing web design is a great option. See this article on how to choose a web design agency for some guidance.

Prep Your Content

Being prepared is key. Your content doesn’t have to be perfect, but just a representation of what you think you want your website to say. Having content prepared before hand helps you layout and accommodate your design with ease. You can always tweak your content before publishing, after you have the design and content laid out.

Get To It – Start Your Website Design

Starting your design may be intimidating, but if you are a go-getter self-starter then a simple YouTube tutorial or Google search will get you over that initial hump. Even if you are not necessarily a “self-starter,” simply searching the Internet for a little bit of help will guide you in the right direction.

If you have followed the tips that we’ve gone over so far, then starting your design should be a breeze. Having a keen eye for design and having a rough idea of what you would like your final product to look like helps tremendously. In the end, this is your first website design and will be a great step forward in your web design journey.

Feedback Is Your Friend

You may be terrified of what people will say about your first website design project, but there is no better way to learn than to receive feedback, take notes, and apply those valuable comments to your next project. Just remember, this is feedback on your website design project, not your character or your self-worth. Don’t let it discourage you. Let the feedback motivate you to improve your skills. There is always room for improvement in any hobby, profession or skill.

Now that you have your first website design project under your belt and you have received your constructive criticism you know whether designing websites is for you. Congrats to you if you have found your new happy place. No sweat if this just isn’t your cup of tea. Our team of trained and professional web designers are here for you! Call 314-866-7886 or email to book a consultation for your next website project.