Local View Digital Marketing reviews Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming The Obstacles Between Vision & Reality by Scott Belsky.

Making Ideas Happen is a book about exactly that – making ideas happen. How many times have you had an idea but never have gotten past that initial thought? Well then this book is just the one for you!

Making Ideas Happen is a non-fiction book by Scott Belsky that outlines 3 factors on how to make your ideas happen. Included are real life scenarios, methods of action and great advice on how to bring your ideas to fruition.



You want to overcome “the obstacles between vision & reality.” Well Making Ideas Happen breaks it up into 3 factors:


1. Organization & Execution

2. The Forces of Community

3. Leadership Capability


Each section goes into detail on how exactly these 3 factors are important in making your ideas happen. Scott Belsky shares examples and tried and true methods so you can bring your ideas to life.



I found Making Ideas Happen on my bookshelf in my basement. A while ago I had started reading the book and then had neglected my reading habits all together. To be honest, I had started a mental challenge of reading 10 pages of a book a day for 75 days. Needless to say I didn’t complete the challenge in the 75 days, but I did end up reading the entire book!

For my job, for my entertainment, for my personal growth, I am so glad I came across this book in my basement. I give it a shining ★★★★★ ! I’ve learned so much since reading Making Ideas Happen I wish I would have finished reading it earlier. It has inspired me to continue on with my ideas and work harder at making them happen.