Why Local View Teams

Starting a digital marketing company is simple, keeping it going with steady annual growth is not. It can be exhausting….

When I started Local View eight years ago I focused on providing the highest level of service and prompt communication with all of my clients. I soon found out this was unusual among the affordable digital marketing solutions for small businesses.

As my little company began to grow I found myself working long hours to provide this high level of service and it was exhausting. So replicating this attitude of quality service and prompt communication in the people I hired was my new focus and biggest challenge.

But through the years I learned that getting other people you hire to embrace the vision of your company is difficult.

The Solution To Employee Disconnection

I have solved this problem by putting a great team together that is directly involved in the future of Local View. By that I mean each team member has the opportunity to start their own Local View location so perfecting the products and services we offer becomes personal.

We all are eagerly learning and helping each other because we will need these skills, knowledge, and assistance to manage our own Local View location. This fosters a team environment with personal responsibility.

Making Progress On Meaningful Work

You see, I learned from the Harvard Business Review that “simply making progress on meaningful work” is what satisfies us at our jobs. So when each team member of Local View sees the opportunity to open their own location they learn digital marketing with a sense of self-determination and satisfaction.

Each team member is learning how and why we do what we do everyday in our daily training meetings, and other training opportunities. Knowing they are able to become an asset to each other and ultimately managing their own location for Local View.

We Have Caught The Vision

We are just in the early stages of this multi location venture but we have caught the vision of working together as a team and supporting each other for work that matters.