Let’s face it, you have a long list of potential customers sitting in an email list buried in your computer somewhere. Well you have gotten as far as collecting the emails – now what are you going to do with them? Don’t let this list of opportunity get away from you.

Create a welcome email series. What does this mean? It means, as soon as someone enters their email somewhere on your website or is manually entered into a certain list, send off an automated string of emails welcoming them to your community and offer something of value to them. The benefit of this is having a consistent presence in a potential customer’s inbox. Now, to make this welcome series successful, it is all about what or how you introduce your company in that first email. What is your offer? How are you saying “Hello?” How will your potential customer benefit from this series of emails?

Here is a run down of how to create a welcome email series and what to include in those emails to turn prospects into happy customers:

First: How Many Emails Are In A Welcome Series?

This is dependent on you. How many emails can you send out to a potential client with valuable information? Hopefully more than one. The point of a welcome email SERIES is to send multiple emails. We recommend at least sending two.

  1. Introduction / Welcome to the company.
  2. Email with information to engage further with the company.

But, of course, we always encourage sending more. For an effective email series, send between 4 and 6 emails. We’ll go over how to space the emails out later on.

Second: What Is Your Goal For This Welcome Series?

You’ve decided how many emails are going to be included in your welcome series. Now, what is your overarching goal for this series? Here are a few common goals to help get you started:

  1. Sell to new prospects
  2. Cross-sell or up-sell to returning customers
  3. Provide new / beneficial information
  4. Present customer testimonials
  5. Request feedback / testimonials

Once you have a goal in mind, you want to start laying out what your emails are going to say. Read on to learn how to configure your emails.

Third: How To Layout Your Emails

You want each email to be as effective as the last. Here is a layout of how to welcome new prospects into the your company’s community:

  1. Email One: Welcome
  2. Email Two: Introduce how your company works
  3. Email Three: Iterate what the prospect can expect from you
  4. Email Four: Explain what you need from the prospect to give them the most benefit
  5. Email Five: Request feedback

Throughout each of these emails is the opportunity to include a call to action (CTA) that best represents the goal you have chosen for your welcome email series. This layout can also act as a warm up to selling or up-selling a prospect or customer. Utilize this layout to your advantage.

Last: Send It!

You’ve chosen the amount of emails you want to send, established your goal and have laid out your emails. The next step is to just send it! Watch the automation play out. Track your results. Use those results to your advantage after the welcome series has ended. How can you capitalize on those who have made it through and interacted throughout the whole series? Create another series!

We have all suffered from writer’s block. If this is you and you just can’t make it through this welcome email series, our email marketing team is here to help! Call 314-866-7886 or email allison@localview.link.