Habit Number One: Make Your Images Easy To Find By Search Engines

Give your image a searchable file name and fill in all the fields your website has for the image.

For Word Press your image fields are;
  • URL (file name from your local computer)
  • Title
  • Caption
  • Alt Text
  • Description
making website images easy to find by local view

Image Fields in Word Press


Habit Number Two: Think Page by Page

Create in your mind a single focus for each page of your website so that when someone is searching for what you have created a search engine can easily connect them to you. See the example below of how someone created a blog article for someone searching for Alkaline Diets. While I would have titled this article “How Alkaline Diets Work,” this author has a single focus for the page.  
keyword focus example for blogs by local view

Think Page By Page

Habit Number Three: Include key word phrases close to the top of your page

While there is some debate as to how effective this is experts are still saying this is important.

As you create your content, make sure you include what you are talking about right away at the top of the page, with keywords that are 3 to 4 words long (also called long-tail key words).
blog article example at local-view

Using Keyword Up Top

Habit Number Four: Use Blog Articles To Drive Traffic From Social Profiles

RSS Blog feed icon at local view

Blog RSS Icon

  • Select Topic: Research Your Niche, Key Words, and Competition (SEO)
  • Create Article: Include Engaging Images That Enhance Your Content
  • Publish To Your Website Blog: Name It Something Others Would Read
  • Post To Your Social Network: Use Local View  Social Media Marketing
  • Link Back To Blog: Create Engaging Paragraph and Short-Link To Blog
  • Evaluate The Response: Using Your Website And Social Analytics