Content Marketing Solutions by Local View

Making Content Marketing Work for You

Effective digital marketing requires the utilization of current content that is in line with what your target demographic is looking for. At Local View, our team of expert copywriters and copy editors know how to use the written word to draw in potential leads, making your site and post serve as an effective form of passive advertising. Here is the process we use to create an engaging and effective content marketing system for your business.

Discover Your Vision

Every marketing campaign needs to be centered around a consistent theme. What drives your business forward? What brings clients to your doorstep? Why do you do what you do? These questions and more can go a long way in developing an effective marketing strategy that propels your project forward.

Create a Reliable Schedule

New content needs to be posted regularly in order to be considered “fresh” by the web indexing giants. It is essential that you have a reliable schedule – something we at Local View excel in helping you develop.

Develop an Online Persona

Your online content will be the instrument through which the public views your company. As such, it is essential that you develop your content with the target end-user in mind.

Here are some of the questions you should keep in mind when developing your online persona:

• What Are Your Target Demographic’s Pain Points? • What Vernacular Does Your Target Demographic Use? • What Income, Education, and Social Details Need to be Considered? • Where Does Your Target Demographic Go for Information? • What Does Daily Life Look Like for Your Target Demographic? • What Does, and Doesn’t, Your Target Demographic Like About Your Services?

Make the Content SEO-Friendly

If you write it, the readers will come. At least if you make your content SEO friendly. By using the right SEO keywords, connecting with other sites, and using fresh content you will be able to raise your site to the top positions on a search engine result.

Discover Relevant Topics

Your site will receive no views if the readers are not interested in the topic. By using a combination of the keywords you discovered while making the content SEO-friendly and your online persona, develop a selection of topics. Now – this isn’t a science. Some topics will work great and others will be terrible. You will have to analyze what people like and comment on and choose new topics accordingly.

Create A Content Calendar

The content calendar is where you set in stone what, and when, you will publish. It will serve as a launching point for everything written and reviewed – including elements such as target demographic, essential keywords, call to action… In short, the calendar will help keep the project on track by making it easy to know what needs to be handled next.

Assign and Write the Topics!

There is no more planning from this point forward. Assign the articles to your marketing team and get them ready for review. A word of caution – the earlier you do this, the better. After all, the last thing you need is to have your entire publication schedule messed up due to a sick day.

Review for Accuracy

Have everyone come together to review the articles for grammar, spelling, and content issues. By tackling everything as a team, you will be creating an environment where a single cohesive voice can emerge.

Post and Repeat!

The second you start posting the content is the moment in which you should be starting your next round. Make certain to integrate feedback as it comes in. This will guarantee that your digital marketing campaign is a success that develops a loyal following.

Local View Price: $150-$200.00 Per Article

When 12 articles are purchased we will send you 12 suggested keyword topics. After your approval of the topics we will write them optimized by keyword and publish them to your website. These articles are ~650 words and include a relevant image purchased for you. Normal articles are $150 and Medical and Technical articles are $200 each.