Ready to increase the impact of your digital marketing with high-quality content? The best website content is grounded in specific principles such as connecting with your target audience, Search Engine Optimization or SEO, and originality.
Let’s explore the 7 most important elements for winning the attention of your audience.

1. Know Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience may seem like an obvious no-brainer. Yet, many businesses build a website without a clear audience and then wonder why it doesn’t work so well.

Whether or not you have a website yet, you can get help to do the heavy lifting. Think strategically about your target audience. Wireframe specifics of your ideal customer to focus your message and stand out above the competition.

2. Speak Their Language

With a clearly defined audience, it’s easier to research specific keywords to match what people are seeking. You have a compass to speak the language of your customer.

Keywords get a lot of publicity. But the idea is simple. When your ideal customer has a problem or issue to solve, what do they look for? This is called a keyword. Some are specific and others are longer, depending on what people search for.

To write quality content, use keywords in a natural and flowing manner in your website and blog articles.

3. Be Easy To Find with SEO


A successful website is easy to find. By using SEO keywords, linking to other sites, and creating easy-to-find content, your site can come up higher when people search.

There’s a bit more to the technical side: title tags, meta descriptions, and headings that help people find your website.

Title tags are essential for users to find your site on Google. Keep title tags short, intriguing, and keywords related to your audience.

Meta descriptions are a couple of sentences that accurately describe a page or article. An effective meta-description is like a magnet, as it influences how many people click on your page.

Headings are often called H1 and H2. These terms describe tags used to organize your content using subheadings. These are important for SEO, and help people find and benefit from your website content.

If technical stuff isn’t your strong suit we here at Local View are happy to help.

4. Be Sharable with Quality Content


What’s the best length for sharable quality content?


A lot of experts recommend long content because it is more likely to be shared. For instance, HubSpot found that for SEO, blog posts should ideally be 2,100 to 2,400 words.

Longer content is a way to share expertise, showcase knowledge, and demonstrate authority on a topic. This is one way to boost your site’s ranking and increase sharing of your posts.

As tempting as it is to write a gigantic thesis—keep a balanced approach. Make sure that your content truly answers your reader’s top questions.

If you can say your message in fewer words, people will appreciate your concise post. If you say it with more charts, diagrams, and videos, you’ll appeal to visual thinkers. (See # 6 on this list.)

5. Be Original Website Content


Being original is vital for a successful website and blog. It’s essential to have something unique to say. This is how you can help people understand your values, know what your business stands for, and choose to work with you.

Creating original content can be challenging—especially if you don’t consider yourself a writer. Outline your ideas and answer the big questions your customer is trying to solve.

To do this naturally, focus on tone of voice or TOV.

TOV varies across different businesses. Some are folksy and down-to-earth. Others are academic or scientific. What works best for your business and brand? Have some fun and explore.

According to Crazy Egg, a personal tone is key to creating quality content. This is your chance to have a one-on-one conversation. Share examples and genuine stories. Write as if you were talking.

If you’re not thrilled with your writing, don’t struggle alone. Talk with a digital marketing company to identify your digital voice, plan your media calendar, and create one-of-a-kind content for your website.



6. Be Visual and Valuable


Your target audience wants valuable information that is easy to understand. This is why it’s so helpful to share personal stories and use visuals to simplify your message.

Visual content marketing is essential to winning attention in a crowded market. According to True List, 95% of B2B customers make business decisions based on visuals. Their statistics confirm that 91% of people prefer visual over written content.

Visual marketing often includes elements such as short-form videos to market your business, and visuals for blog posts, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Pictures inspire creativity and passion in fresh ways. Consider creating video content, charts, diagrams, and photographs on your website, Ebooks, guides, and blog posts.

7. Inspire Action


Ultimately, every aspect of your website content is about inspiring action. Think in terms of business goals such as: getting new leads, creating optimized SEO, building trust, and enhancing authority.

What are the actions you want to achieve?

To inspire action online and offline, look at the entire customer journey.

Some of your website content helps people at the beginning of their journey. These may be pages to help people understand your values and commitment to customer service.

Other marketing tools will encourage people to inquire or get a free consultation. Some quality content inspires a purchase, such as a seasonal discount, a local offer, and a volume discount.

Get Started With Quality Content for your Website


Whether you want to design a website, create original content, or increase SEO for your site, our team is here to support your business. Let’s talk about how to increase your digital voice, build your online reputation and stand out!