In centuries past, a good leader or businessman was defined as someone who could get people to do what they wanted, regardless of feelings. As we’ve progressed beyond this barbaric way of thinking, we have come to realize that the most effective leaders and businessmen are able to access their full emotional scope and interact with the emotions of others, and thereby are able to connect with people on a much deeper level. Both parties end up with a much higher level of satisfaction, and therefore are able to do business much more effectively.


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence has been described as the capacity to monitor our own and others’ feelings and emotions, and use these observations to guide thinking and action. Five components developed by American psychologist Daniel Goleman make up emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. These skills enable us to understand how we feel about ourselves and others, manage our emotions, and develop positive relationships.Just like other forms of intelligence, there are varying natural levels in different people, and it is a skill that can be improved with time, practice, and education.


1. Being Self-Aware of Your Emotions

Self-Awareness refers to being aware of what’s going on inside yourself. You need to know what you’re feeling, thinking, and doing. If you don’t have self-awareness, you may not realize when you’re making mistakes, or if you’re having trouble coping with certain situations. Emotions are powerful tools that we use to make decisions. We often don’t think about how they affect us until after the fact. When we do have emotional reactions, we tend to rationalize them away. Being aware of our emotions helps us understand what’s going on inside of us and gives us insight into how we’re making decisions.


2. Self Regulation

Self-Regulation involves managing your emotions and impulses. When you lack self-control, you might act impulsively without considering the consequences. Impulsivity is often associated with negative emotions, including anger, anxiety, and depression; but can also be caused by positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment, and tranquility. Understanding why we’re feeling these emotions can help us identify the root cause of our feelings. Once you know where the emotion comes from, you can start to change it. We can control our emotions by being mindful of them. When we notice ourselves getting angry, sad, or frustrated, we can take steps to calm down before we act out. If we find ourselves feeling anxious, we can try to relax. It may seem easier to avoid certain emotions than to accept them. But accepting your emotions means acknowledging their existence. By doing so, you can begin to work toward changing them.


3. Motivation

Identifying Motivators

The first step towards self-motivation is to know what motivates you. Once you have identified these things, then you need to make sure they are present in your daily routine. If you don’t feel like doing something, find ways to change it. You’ll soon realize that if you do something consistently, you’ll eventually become good at it, but accepting that you’ll be bad at something for a while is an important part in developing a skill.

Set Goals

Setting goals is another way to motivate yourself. When you set goals, you’re setting a direction for where you want to go. Setting goals helps you stay focused and gives you something to work towards. Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable. If you set unrealistic goals, you may end up feeling frustrated and disappointed. Don’t expect to accomplish everything right away. There will always be setbacks and obstacles. Just remember that you’re not alone. Everyone goes through ups and downs. Stay positive and focus on the future.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Whether it’s buying yourself a treat or taking time to relax, reward yourself for accomplishing tasks. Don’t wait until you’ve completed everything before rewarding yourself. Instead, give yourself rewards along the way.


4. Empathy and Social Awareness

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they feel. It’s feeling what they experience and experiencing what they feel. Empathy helps us understand others and connect with them. This is especially important in Customer service. Customer service is treating customers well and ensuring that they get what they want. It’s listening to what they say and responding appropriately. It’s showing empathy and understanding.

Social Awareness refers to knowing how to interact with people in different settings. You need to be able to read nonverbal cues, recognize facial expressions, and understand body language. A person who lacks social awareness may misinterpret someone else’s words or actions. In business, social awareness means understanding how people think and behave. It’s knowing what motivates them and how they react to different situations. It’s being able to predict their behavior and understand how they perceive things.


5. Social Skills

Social skills are the set of abilities that allow us to interact with others in a way that makes them feel comfortable and confident. These skills are developed over time and are learned through experience. A person’s social skills can vary depending on their age, gender, personality traits, and culture.


6. Relationship Management

Relationship Management refers to building and maintaining good relationships. People who are skilled at managing their relationships tend to get along well with others, and are generally happier than those who struggle with interpersonal issues. It includes knowing what motivates people, how to build trust, and how to manage conflict. These skills are critical in understanding how people work together and how they relate to each other, which is the foundation for all business models.


Communication is the exchange of information between two or more parties. It can take place verbally, non-verbally, or both. It is the foundation of any successful relationship. Effective communication requires listening, speaking clearly, and being open to feedback.


Negotiation is the act of reaching agreement on terms and conditions of a deal. It involves finding common ground, making compromises, and coming to an agreement. Negotiation is often necessary in order to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the process of resolving conflicts peacefully. It involves identifying the problem, analyzing the situation, and developing a plan to resolve the issue.


Leadership is the ability to influence others toward achieving goals. It involves motivating others to follow and lead. It is about inspiring others to do things differently than they have done before.


Teamwork is the cooperative effort of individuals working together toward a common goal. It involves collaboration, cooperation, and coordination. It is the foundation for success in many different fields including sports, business, and politics.


In Conclusion…

Being able to work with our emotions is going to be a deciding factor in who succeeds in business, and who fails. In our modern society, it’s time to stop ignoring this basic part of what makes us all human, and realize that it’s actually one of our greatest strengths. Business is all about people after all, and we can all benefit from being the most complete people we can, and treating others that we interact with the same way.