Your website needs a refresh – it’s outdated, clunky and just isn’t appealing to the eye anymore. What can you do? Maybe it’s time for a brand update. Here are 4 of our best web design tips to update your brand and stand out:

1. Rock Your Logo

What is the first thing a person thinks of when they see two golden arches? McDonald’s. What about a pink bell on a purple arched background? Taco Bell. These well known fast food restaurants have associated their simple logos with their name, product and service.

Your logo is a representation of your business. So ROCK it! Embrace it! Love it! As time passes by and styles change, give your logo a face lift. You don’t have to redo it completely. But, sprucing it up a bit never hurts. It’s called refreshing your brand, and it can do wonders for your website and overall business. See how Taco Bell did it over the years?

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When a customer visits your website, show off your logo loud and proud. In the header and in the footer, that way it shows up on every page. Repetition, repetition, repetition. People will remember your business’ name and associate it with your rockin’ logo. If you’re just getting started putting together your brand, check out  this article on how to create a memorable logo.

2. Choose Your Color Palette

Bold, subtle, bright, neutral. A signature color palette will level up your website and brand in a heartbeat. Remember our first tip to refreshing your brand – Rock your logo. Once you have your logo designed and ready to go, pull your color palette from your logo. Add complimentary colors to create a variety. Voila! You have a color palette picked out and ready to design your brands website.

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A few things to keep in mind while navigating your color palette journey:

  1. Think about the meaning of colors. Yellow = happy, Blue = loyal & trustworthy, Orange = warmth. What kind of feeling do you want your brand, logo, website to emanate?
  2. Don’t have too many colors in your palette. A good rule of thumb for how many colors to keep in your palette is 3 to 4 – your base color, your accent color(s) and your neutral color.
  3. Ask for opinions. Sharing is caring. You want your brands color palette to be appealing to everyone, not just yourself. Get family members and friends to weigh in on the look of your logo and color palette. This will help reduce a quicker than expected brand refresh.

3. Utilize Fun Fonts & Typography

It’s not all about pretty pictures anymore. Since the dawn of the minimalist style, playing with fonts and typography have been all the rage. You know the saying “less is more.” Well, when it comes to building your website – “less is more.” White space isn’t bad. In fact, it gives your website a clean look and is easily navigable for your customers. Less clutter = streamlined conversions. Typography gives you the opportunity to be creative and stand out against competitors in a unique way.

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” – Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel said it best. Simplicity is elegance. Keep it simple and all of your website visions will fall into place (ideally).

4. Smooth Talk Your Customers

It IS what you say and it IS how you say it. You want to keep your readers’ attention, right? Use language that is unique but can still get your point across clearly. It’s one thing to have something interesting to say, it’s a whole new level when you can speak what you have to say in a captivating tone that will keep your readers’ interest and have them coming back for more. Taken from a great resource on how to brand your content: Choose your lingo. “This is how you say stuff! Whether it’s written, audio or video, it’s about the words you choose to communicate your messages.” – Content Mavericks, by Andrew and Pete.

We have given you our top 4 web design tips for leveling up your website, now it’s your turn to put it into action – refresh your brand, give your website a new look. Think of all the website traffic you could gain and new customers to convert. If you can’t face the brand refresh alone, our website design experts are here to help. Call 314-866-7886 or email You can check out our transparent pricing here!