Written & Published By: SEOblog

We’re excited to have interviewed Missouri SEO expert Allison Rideout, from Local View Digital Marketing, for the next installment of our Featured SEO Expert Series!

Local View Digital Marketing is one of SEOblog’s top SEO companies in Missouri.

Allie Rideout is Local View Digital Marketing’s client services manager and St. Louis executive. Her professional background spans five years in the events industry in St. Louis and three years in small business social media management. She became a Local View team member in October 2020 and has since helped expand the company into the St. Louis area.

Local View Digital Marketing is an expert in SEO that prides itself on the ability to provide affordable SEO services to its clients.

What would you say is unique and/or challenging about the local SEO industry?

“St. Louis, Missouri, is abundant with unique geographic neighborhoods such as The Hill, The Grove, Central West End and so many more. Optimizing Google My Business, Yelp and other directory sites for businesses in these geographic neighborhoods is essential and can be challenging at times due to the high volume of local ‘mom and pop’ restaurants, boutiques and hangout spots.”

How does your agency stand out in a crowded market with so many local SEO agencies?

“Local View Digital Marketing is a concierge-level, full-service digital marketing agency that provides prompt communication and expert skill sets all at an affordable price. Our focus is on small to medium-sized businesses and establishing a valuable partnership to bring their digital vision to life.”

Can you share a success story from a local SEO/digital marketing campaign centered around a local market? Include any stats and highlights if possible!

“We work with a local oral surgeon in the West Palm Beach, Florida, area that specializes in dental implants. The dental implant market is highly competitive and the cost-per-click price is very expensive. We started with this company and helped build their brand and reputation from the ground up, starting with web development then moving into SEO, advertising and social media. Over the last year we have increased their user traffic to website and social by 75 percent and increased conversions by 60 percent from April of 2020 to April of 2021.”

What is the best advice you ever received in business?

“Come from a place of yes with a drive to provide solutions rather than problems. The one thing you don’t want to hear from a vendor, business partner or service provider is ‘No, we can’t do that for you.’ Rather a ‘No, we don’t do that in particular, but let me tell you what we can do that would help you solve your problem.’ The word ‘no’ is a hard one to digest, but when providing a solution after the word ‘no,’ you can establish a relationship that may not have been possible had you not provided a solution.”

What do you think is the most important quality that makes an agency truly great?

“I think the most important quality that makes an agency truly great is the unique skill and expertise of the team. Without a team of skilled professionals, an agency cannot offer truly valuable services. The customer journey begins and ends with a representation of skills offered by the agency. If a client/customer is not impressed with the skills displayed by the agency at the very beginning of the customer journey, then it is very difficult to convert them into a recurring client/customer.”

Any predictions for the future of SEO?

“I see the future of SEO furthering advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to allow search engines to sniff out quality content with an engaging user experience, including image and video recognition.”

What is your reaction when you hear that “SEO is dying”?

“SEO isn’t dying; it is changing into a dynamic skill set that helps companies connect with customers and clients that resonate with their brand and message. Just like any technology these days, you have to adapt and overcome by tweaking strategies.”

What do you think is the most important contributor to keeping clients happy?

“The most important contributor to keeping clients happy is producing results affordably and returning on their investment. Digital marketing isn’t cheap, so when money is spent to bring in more business, it is expected to bring in more business twofold.”

Interested in being considered as an SEOblog “Featured SEO Expert”? Reach out to our team at info@seoblog.com! We’d love to hear from you and give you a high-traffic platform to share your SEO agency’s story and insights.