Marketing Of Any Kind Takes Time And Effort

If you’ve handled non-digital marketing for your own business, then you know that it’s very time consuming. Print advertising requires ad design and layout. If your ads are in color, then you need to have some knowledge of four color printing. You also need to place your ads in publications that are most likely to bring you leads. This requires experimenting with various ads over a fairly large time frame. Effective direct mail campaigns require that you have a large and reliable mailing list. If you want to run them on a regular basis, they can be expensive, given the current cost of postage. Then there’s the tried-and-true method of handing out business cards, but you’ll first have to find the person to give your card to. Radio and television ads, well, you’re looking at a lot of prep and a lot of money.

DIY Digital Marketing

Enter the world of digital marketing. At first it may seem that it’s the ultimate DIY environment. Need a website? Cheap DIY options are everywhere. Email campaign? Just write your email and click send. Facebook page? Just set it up and post to your heart’s content. No worry about color—WYSIWYG. Ad copy? Change it whenever you’d like. Google ads? Google’s AI will walk you through the process and your ads will start popping up everywhere. Video? Shoot them on your phone and post them on YouTube.

Why Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?

So why hire a digital marketing agency if it’s that easy? Because it isn’t. You can do all of the above and end up with virtually no leads for your business. Digital marketing is a highly specialized field that requires a lot of expertise to get it right. You can spend the time getting that expertise yourself, kind of like learning to repair your car so you can fix it yourself, or you can use your time working on your business and team up with a digital marketing agency to put together an effective campaign for your business.

What About Websites? 

Take the website example, for instance. Having a DIY website is of no benefit if people can’t find it. It’s pretty much like a business card that you’re keeping in your pocket. That’s why it’s important to design a website that Google’s search engines can find and give high marks so that it will show up when your customers search for it. That’s where a digital marketing agency comes in. They know how a site should be crafted so that it does the job it’s supposed to do—bring you business.

And Google Ads?

Let’s look at Google Ads. If the ads aren’t optimized for the right demographics and keywords, then you’ll spend a lot of money with poor results. Kind of like that old saw about a boat being a hole in the water that you throw money into. You don’t want that. What’s more, you’ll also want a properly designed landing page connected to the ads so that people clicking on the ad will turn into leads as they contact your business by calling or filling out a form. The right digital marketing agency will team up with you to create with ads and landing pages that work at a price your business can afford. In addition, you’ll save countless hours as you try to master the ins-and-outs of Google Ads.

What About Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing?

On the surface, email marketing may seem simple enough, but to work effectively the emails should be linked to a top-flight website that will maximize conversions. As for Facebook, you’ll need a hybrid mix of posts, some paid, some not, since unpaid posts reach almost no one on Facebook anymore. Your digital marketer will work with you to work out a social media and email marketing strategy that will maximize your reach, increase brand awareness and bring new customers to your business.

And Everything Else Regarding Digital Marketing?

Then there’s development of marketing strategy, review management, content marketing and more. As you can see, engaging in all aspects of digital marketing while managing the day-to-day activities of your business is quite a load. Teaming up with a digital marketing agency that has years of experience will relieve you of that load and help your business thrive.

Why Not Start Now?

Shop around and compare. Ask the tough questions. What’s it going to cost? Are they team players? What do their current clients say about them? What kind of marketing plan do they suggest for my business? When you shop, please be sure to contact us at Local View Digital Marketing. All consultations are free and we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.