With the popularity of inbound marketing, the last thing you want to do in an email saturated internet is become another spam folder marketeer.

There are millions of email automation campaigns running to billions of email addresses. So how do you find your way into the inbox and avoid spam and automated filters? According to The Radicadi Group the total number of email accounts will be 4.9 Billion by 2017. And by the end of 2017 the number of daily emails sent and received will be over 132 Billion according to the same report!  This will make email filtering software even more necessary.

So the last thing you want to do is use a phrase that is automatically marked by spam filters and email client rules.

So some of the more common phrases to avoid are:

  1. “You received this message because…”
  2. “If you’re not the right person…”
  3. My name is…”
  4. “A special offer”
  5. “I just wanted to let you know…”
  6. “We have a special deal going on right now…”

Along with these phrases, here are some of the big mistakes to avoid:

  1. Addressing the email to the wrong recipient name.
  2. Sending the same email multiple times to the same address
  3. Sending email attachments along with your email
  4. Using a generic email address instead of your own as the sender (example: sales@mycompany.com)

 I also wanted to include some other articles on things to avoid when starting an email campaign to help you avoid the spam filter;

“12 Phrases to Avoid in Sales Emails” read this article by Geoffrey James at Inc.com.

“5 Common Words That Make You Sound Less Confident In Emails” by Lily Herman at themuse.com.

And finally, here is a very helpful article on how to avoid spam filter and the spam laws currently in effect by Mailchimp.com

To Find out how Local View can help you start a successful email marketing campaign request a  Free Demonstration