It’s no secret that digital marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies today. With social media and the Internet consuming our daily lives, these digital outlets are prime marketing territory for businesses. But, one has to understand the territory and know their audience before diving in. That is why I wanted to share with you 5 Must-Do Digital Marketing Tips & Tricks for success:


Must-Do Digital Marketing Tip #1

Make the most of Google Ads, Analytics & Guarantees

I can’t stress this enough – Google Ads are important! Advertising your business on the largest search engine – the reach results just don’t get much better than that. Are Google Ads a little bit more expensive? Yes. But they produce quality leads. An even better way of advertising on Google is if you are able to Google Guarantee your business. I’ll let our Google Guarantee expert give you more insight on that one: 10 Reasons To Google Guarantee Your Business.


Must-Do Digital Marketing Tip #2

Optimize your website for mobile FIRST

How often do you whip out your computer to perform a Google search? Only when you’re at home and your computer is more easily accessible than your smartphone, right? Wrong, 9 times out of 10 you’re going to Google something on your smartphone because it is basically glued to your hand. Okay, okay, not glued to your hand, but very close to you at all times. According to Statista, mobile traffic to websites is almost half of all website traffic. So, you find what you’re looking for on Google and click on that link. Well that website is all squished and you can hardly understand what is happening on your screen. That business just lost out on your action. Whether that be an online retail order or a form filled out requesting more information. Don’t be that business that misses out on opportunities like that. Optimize your website to be mobile-friendly FIRST. It will only benefit you.


Must-Do Digital Marketing Tip #3

Combine SEO & content

First of all, as previously stated (100,000,000 times) CONTENT IS KEY! Second of all, SEO is NOT dead. Sure the SEO methods that have been used for years may not be as effective today as they were before. That is because technology evolves. You have to evolve with it. Take engaging content on your website, social media and anywhere else you have made a digital mark and optimize it with your important keywords. Is your photography business focused on capturing weddings? Then your content should include keywords such as ‘wedding photography,’ ‘wedding photography packages’ and so on. That way, when someone searches for ‘wedding photography’ YOU show up! Combining SEO with content = a new way of content marketing. 


Must-Do Digital Marketing Tip #4

Integrate digital marketing strategies and campaigns across a variety of marketing channels

When investing in the stock market, you don’t want to invest all of your money into one high risk security. The same applies when you are deciding where to roll out your business’ marketing strategy or campaigns. You don’t want to focus on JUST campaigning on Facebook. Utilize other digital outlets that align with your business. Also, recognize your type of audience on different social channels. To be more specific, LinkedIn is a bit like a business meeting whereas Facebook is more like a social gathering. For example, a cake decorating company may not thrive on Twitter, but Facebook and Instagram are prime platforms for pretty pictures of cakes and pastries. Utilizing a multi-platform strategy ensures a larger impression rate than if you were to use just one platform. Therefore increasing your chance of converting leads into customers.


Must-Do Digital Marketing Tip #5

Get creative

I will just be blunt here – no one enjoys a boring social news feed. But what if you work in a “boring” industry or an industry that doesn’t always tickle the fancy of the average person? That’s where being creative comes into play. You don’t have to post the cutest picture of the plant on your desk. Instead gather an understanding of your audience, experiment with different types of content and then continue creating the most engaging content for your audience. Here is a book that I highly recommend for curing your “non-creative” content creation writers block: Content Mavericks.


Now that I’ve shared 5 of our must-do digital marketing tips and tricks to succeed in this highly competitive digital marketing industry, I encourage you to go out there and be yourself, share your business’ story and capture the attention of your audience. “Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston S. Churchill.